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indian agency (美國及加拿大的)印第安事務廳。

indian agent

The indian agencies are involved in the research and production of spacecraft , ballistic missiles , and fighter jets 這些印度政府部門參與宇宙飛船、彈道導彈和噴氣式戰斗機的研制。

The indian agencies are involved in the research and production of spacecraft , ballistic missiles , and fighter jets 這些印度政府部門參與宇宙飛船彈道導彈和噴氣式戰斗機的研制。

The indian agencies are involved in the research and production of acecraft , ballistic mi iles , and fighter jets 這些印度政府部門參與宇宙飛船、彈道導彈和噴氣式戰斗機的研制。